Shoe Cover Removers

Shoe Cover Removers

Shoe Cover Removers

The remover is the final piece of the puzzle. By choosing a Shoe Cover Magic remover in Canada, you are choosing the magical ending to your perfect system. Our hands-free removers help protect against cross-contamination while giving you a speedy process to continue your day.

Our shoe cover removers make removing booties quick, easy, and safe. With a simple design, it aids in the fast, hands-free disposal of soiled disposable booties. We know that you and your employees have more important tasks than taking the time to remove shoe covers, especially if this happens multiple times a day. Our products are designed to help you get back to business!

Shoe Cover Remover Sizes

Regular Capacity Shoe Cover Remover

Integrated 10 Gallon Receptacle for up to 500 pieces

High Capacity 33gal Shoe Cover Remover

33 Gallon receptacle for over 1000 pieces

High Capacity 55gal Shoe Cover Remover

55 Gallon receptacle for over 2500 pieces

So fast, it’s like magic.

shoe cover machine